Please sponsor me
Hi all, I have decided to help raise money for the London air ambulance by doing a sponsored abseil from the 17th floor of the Royal London Hospital. Please help me by sponsoring me. Thank youI'm fundraising for...
London’s Air Ambulance is the charity that delivers an advanced trauma team to London’s most seriously injured patients. Your donation will help save more lives by keeping the helicopter in the air and the rapid response cars on the road, ready for when they are needed most. By providing intervention as quickly as possible after injury, London’s Air Ambulance Charity aims to give patients the best chance of survival, and best quality of life, after trauma.
Thank you to my Sponsors

Kathy Gare

Well done darling, great achievement

Well done

Bella And Millie
Well done Theresa you were great love Bella and Millie xx

Peter Lynch

Kate & Joe
Amazing!!! Welldone Theresa xx

Christina & Mike
Well done Auntie Theresa!!!!

Linda Flay
Well done, Theresa!

Phil Miles
Well done - top work!

Well done theresa

Pauline Lewis
Good luck 😉 x

Ralph Smith
Well done Theresa! A great cause.

Raj Singh
Good luck !!

Klaire Gadsby
Good luck to you x

Good luck Theresa - great cause - missing the Xmas sausage rolls :-( ps I’ll double the donation if you get Mick down the rope next year

Paul Stevens
Go for it Theresa. x

Rob Holt
Best of Luck x

John Jarman
Good Luck

Richard Roman
Good luck

Ian Silverton
Good luck Theresa. Large drink afterwards!

Tracey Folkard
Good luck! x

Joy And The 2 Christine’s

Margaret Biles
Good luck Theresa and well done raising money for an excellent charity x

Kate & Joe
Good Luck Theresa, you are very brave. Lots of love Kate & Joe xx

Christina Mcgrath
Good luck Auntie Theresa...dont look down. Lots of love Christina & Mike xxxx

Peter Lynch

Helen Nathan
Good luck Theresa, you’re one brave lady. I’d love to do it but I’m scared of heights! X

Bernie Walsh
Good luck Theresa xx

Kylie-anne O'mara
Good Luck Mum!xxx

Lindsey Bevis
Braver than me!

Theresa Mabey
Well deserved cause

Helen Bax

Mary Miles
Good luck Mary & Kevin.

You're so brave. Goodluck Karen

Ron Bhairam
Good luck Theresa - I’m sure you will make sure Mick has a large G&T waiting for you!!

Sue Coyne
Good luck and well done x

Kim Clarkson
Well done Theresa, rather you than me 😅

Carole Murphy
Good luck you nut-nut 😘 Love ya Peter and Carole xxxx

Debbie Dennis
Theresa you go girl your very brave.

Kim Widdicks
Good luck Theresa, better have a large gin before you go!!! Love Kim & Paul xxx

Moira O'driscoll
Theresa, best of luck you crazy woman, hope there is a very large gin waiting for you afterwards! Moire & Danny x

Jenny Greenland

Marie Curzon
Good luck you mad fool 😂😂
